Chapter 94: Add fuel to the fire.

(Three days ago)

"Does that mean you're going accept my request?" Mykel asked as he stood in the middle of a desert and stared at Zherthlsh who was in her demon form while she was spreading her massive wings.

"I will accept if you win against me, and I warn you that I have gained more and more power since the last time we met," Zherthlsh answered with her red blood eyes staring into Mykel's eye.

Mykel smirked and removed his blazer then threw it on the ground. He used [Telekinesis] and controlled all the throwing knives from his vest belt. "You think you're the only one who has gained more power?" he said as the knives flew around him.

Zherthlsh pulled out her bone-like whip and whipped it in the air so that it made a rattling sound and a shockwave at the same time. Mykel flew the throwing knives at her but she blocked all of them which was quite surprising knowing how sharp the knives were.