Chapter 117: Manna Immane.

Mykel destroyed the walls and tore them down like trees in the forest, he knew where he should go so he kept destroying the cliffs all the way to the northwest. It only took him thirty minutes to reach the village or the remains of a medieval village in the northwest.

Mykel saw livestock everywhere but he couldn't find anyone and the reason would be because of the earthquakes. He walked through the vast land and saw houses in front of him with smoke coming out from the chimney.

A guy looked out through the window and saw Mykel was staring at the livestock, he then came out of his house hurriedly. "Hey! Stay away from my livestock!"

Mykel looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of the house with his hand clenched at him. After that commotion, more people were coming out of their houses and looking at Mykel weirdly because of his odd outfit in their eyes.

"Where's the gate?" Mykel asked as he walked toward the middle-aged man.