Chapter 130: On our own.

"Are you both alright?" Beldathiel asked as she slowly turned her body around. She saw both Zherlthsh and Vixelleth laying on the bed in their true form, they both couldn't contain Mazikeen's power at all.

Zherlthsh groaned as she slowly turned herself to her human form and looked at Beldathiel who seemed fine. "I'm sorry, sister, you're the only one who can handle such power,"

"It's getting warm but this is fine, it feels comfortable," Beldathiel turned around again and hugged the body pillow that Zherlthsh brought for her. "I never thought she would listen to me,"

"Of course, it's because we both are here and that alone is enough to persuade her," Vixelleth answered as she turned herself into her human form. "It's all thanks to you, sister, who visited Mazikeen in her dream,"