Chapter 138: Descended.

"Are you planning on keeping me here forever, Mara?" Mykel stared at a woman in a black dress with real stars as its accessories. A womanly figure with only the bottom half of her body could be seen while the top half was covered by black mist.

"That isn't a bad idea," Mara stared back at Mykel with her silver glowing eyes. Mykel couldn't see anything else but he could tell she was smiling by how her eyes squinted.

"Then what? What are you planning to do to me?" Mykel had gotten used to her presence that he could resist a tiny bit of her overwhelming presence.

Mara walked toward Mykel and stood right in front of him but the black mist was still covering her upper body. "I have been wandering, from which world you came in but I can't see anything inside your head even until now," Mara reached out her hand at Mykel's face. "It's as if something is preventing me from looking into your head,"

Mykel furrowed his eyebrows a bit and looked confused.