Chapter 146: Walking on a thin thread.

"What happened to the boss? He looked kind of happy and I have never seen him that happy before," Gunnar leaned his head toward Agnez as he stared at Mykel who had been smiling ever since he came back to the suite.

"I don't know exactly what happened but you wouldn't understand," Agnez answered while she stared at her new sword. "Just because he's happy doesn't mean we need to know what happened, right?" Agnez pointed her sword at Gunnar.

"I mean, yeah, I'm just curious, that's all," Gunnar leaned his head back as he stared at the tip of the blade.

[NAME: Mykel Alester]

[Rank: 141]


[RECIPIENT(S): Euros Sullus, Costrezeir Mulligan, Rinon Crig, Arvel Laveen, Kurgreo Nielli, Phirzia Kahliste, Manna Immane, Agnez Maurice, Lillith Mort, Edith Levine]


[ARCANA COIN: 100,000,600,800] [SHOP]