Chapter 150: Comparison.

Asmond stood still and stared at Agnez's back, he was staring at her and didn't even blink his eyes. It wasn't awe or admiration, it was more of a shock of fear when he saw a glimpse of a sinister grin on Agnez's face that didn't belong to her. A face that only a demon could make, a face that shocked him to the core because it was terrifying to look at.

Nobody saw what Asmond saw because they were far away from him and they didn't notice Agnez's presence until she suddenly appeared next to him.

[You have saved the Triev World from Demon King Behemoth!]

[All the floors that belonged to the Triev world are now being reunited!]

Jaste and Cygnus were panicking because the ground was trembling heavily since it was the first time they cleared the world.

"Asmond, are you alright?" Kastor asked as he ran toward him.

Asmond kept staring at Agnez who was hiding her face by looking away.

"Asmond?" Kastor raised his eyebrows and grabbed Asmond's left shoulder. "What's wrong?"