Chapter 173: We could be like them.

"You're not joking about this, huh? This whole place is guarded heavily like a fortress," Gunnar said as he looked at the parliament building with walls and barbwires on top of it. There were four watchtowers on each side and were guarded by soldiers with heavy machine guns bolted on top of the tower.

"Yeah, they knew that people like us are so strong, that's why they have to guard themselves like this," Clancy lowered his ivy cap as he took a peek at the building from behind the wall.

Clancy looked at Mykel and his team but he looked quite a bit surprised that they weren't nervous or even bothered after they saw how heavily guarded the parliament building was.

"I have sent my men to gather some information from inside. They should be here in an hour, so let's wait in that building over there," Clancy said as he nodded up at the building.