Chapter 184: Tuzgolth, The Second Demon Lord of Azazel. (1)

"We cleared up to the nineteenth floor and we don't see any Awakeners except those who were resurrected to fight against us. Do you think there's nothing left of them?" Agnez asked as she looked at the city behind her.

"We have checked every place and building and found nothing, that only means they're all dead. There weren't even that many survivors in this world. The demons really didn't show any mercy to these people," Gunnar replied as he looked at the massive red portal in front of him.

"This is it, guys, the second demon lord is right up ahead," Rozan said as he exhaled deeply. "Let's not take this lightly, we have to remember the difference between a servant and a demon lord from our experience when we first entered the towers. The demon lord could be ten times stronger than the servants," Rozan warned everyone.

"Should we rest for a bit? We don't want to regret it later," Vincze asked as he looked at Agnez and Jeanne.

"That's not a bad idea," Jeanne looked at Agnez.