Chapter 193: Trapped in the sea.

"You found anyone?" Agnez asked as she looked at Nagy who just came out from the cabin.

"Only dead people, they have turned into skeletons and that means they have died for a very long time," Nagy answered as she shook her head. "It's weird that everything inside the cabin is still in a good condition. It seems that they died by killing themselves here after they put down the anchor in the middle of the sea," Nagy explained.

"How do you know they killed themselves?" Agnez asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"They stabbed their hearts with a dagger and a sword," Sven answered as he walked out from the cabin with Vincze. "It's either they killed themselves or they killed each other, but either way, they died because of themselves,"

Agnez hummed with his arms crossed and put her right hand under her chin. She looked at Gunnar who tried to pull the anchor but seemed to be stuck at something.