Chapter 198: Exiled.

"What's happening down there?!" Gunnar asked when he saw hundreds of bolts of lightning that struck the city and destroyed everything into pieces. Not only that, the wind was so strong that he had to lean his body forward so he could walk forward. "This is too much! Is Shelly the one who's doing this?!"

"I don't think it's her," Gerrard answered as he looked in the distance and saw whirlpools and tornados on the sea. "I think it's him," Gerrard continued as he saw the sea was ravaging and washed up all the demons away.

"That would explain a lot about what's going on right now," Agnez said as she walked out of the temple. "Wait, that's Shelly, right? Then that means Mykel is really the one who's doing all this," Agnez continued as she pointed at the edge of the cliff.

They slowly and carefully walked to where Shelly was, and then they saw Shelly sitting with her legs crossed and eyes closed. No matter how hard Agnez shook Shelly's body, she wouldn't wake up.