Chapter 203: Someone was angry.

"I'm back guys!" Rozan said as he walked into the suite with a huge grin on his face.

"Welcome back," Gunnar said as he walked into his room while eating his banana.

Rozan realized there were only Gunnar and Nagy in the suite. "Where are the others?" Rozan asked as he looked around and saw nobody else in the suite.

"Mykel is with Miss Lyneth right now. The others are still in the Azrael Tower leveling up. Miss Edith is with her daughter at home," Nagy answered as she ate her breakfast in the living room. "Also, welcome back," Nagy continued.

"I see, anyway, Nagy, do you want to help me? I need to gather the ingredients to make Energy Stone. I will make you the best Energy Stone for you," Rozan asked as he walked to the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Really? But I haven't showered yet and I'm still eating my breakfast. It's raining outside as well, are you sure you want to go out there with that kind of weather?" Nagy replied and looked at Rozan.