Chapter 236: Be wary, be cautious.

Thor was overwhelmed not only because everyone bowed their heads at him including Freyja, but also because of the power that ran through his veins as he held Gungnir in his hand. He tried to stay calm because he didn't want to look weak or emotional in front of them.

"I'm your king, but only for a moment at least until my father recovered. I will do what I must and I solemnly promise I will protect the nine worlds from any threat," Thor said with a serious expression.

Mykel, Loki, Hel, and Freyja looked at the notification that appeared in front of them. It was a notification that the head of The Chariot Arcana faction had stepped down from position, Odin Borson had decided to let go of his position as the head of the Chariot Arcana.