Chapter 250: Can't be interfered.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lyneth was still worried as she grabbed Mykel's left wrist.

"I'm fine, I was a bit frustrated back there and after letting everything out, I'm doing a lot better now," Mykel answered as he rubbed Lyneth'sr right cheek with a gentle smile. "I have to go, I still need to let everything out," Mykel continued as he looked at the broken table.

"Okay, but please don't do anything stupid because you're the face of the Guild Association, remember?" Lyneth asked as she stared Mykel in the eye.

"I know," Mykel said as he kissed Lyneth's forehead, and then left.

Mykel warped to the castle and summoned both Vixelleth and Zherlthsh to his side. They both were in the Guild Association building, but then they were in the castle with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Mykel? What are you doing?" Vixelleth asked as she stood in front of Mykel.

Mykel smiled at both of them and grabbed their cheeks as he nodded his head.