Chapter 276: Kastihel World. (6)

They entered Nenhaz Castle and were immediately welcomed by the knights. It took them a while to clear the paths, and it was the same as before. The knights were the loyal followers of Lord Avello, but had been cursed and became Ministress Convael's soldiers.

After exploring the whole castle and purifying the souls of the dead, they rested for a moment. They couldn't find Ministress Convael anywhere in the castle, and the last place that they hadn't checked yet was the tower.

"Well that was a lie, saying that she's waiting for us in the castle," Agnez said as she sheathed her sword. "I guess we shouldn't trust demons in the first place,"

"Should we rest for the night? I honestly feel exhausted from all of this, and I think I'm not the only one," Gunnar asked Agnez as he looked at everyone who seemed out of breath.

"Okay, let's rest for the night," Agnez answered as she nodded her head with understanding.