Chapter 280: Kastihel World. (10)

The woman came out of the castle, and she looked at Jeanne as she nodded her head.

"The lord is waiting, but please, don't disturb her for too long," The woman said. "Also, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Adricia, the commander of the Zlettkrieg," Adricia said.

"Thank you for your understanding, Adricia," Jeanne said as she nodded her head and smiled at Adricia.

They were introducing themselves, but then one of the knights started to groan as she held her head. She started to scream as he fell to the ground, and it made everyone look at her with perplexed looks.

"What's happening to her?" Gunnar asked.

"As I said earlier, the body doesn't age, but the mind is slowly being corrupted. This is the result of it, and I want all of you to see what kind of evil deed the dark lord did to his people," Adricia answered as she grabbed her lance on her horse.