Chapter 284: It's over.

"It's over, right? We can go back home now, right?" Roxanne asked Asmond as she slowly got up since the purple smoke affected her and everyone from Asmond's team.

"Yes, it's over, we can go back home now," Asmond answered as he nodded his head and looked at the dead body of Exima. "Maybe wait until Mykel decided who will take the chests, and then we can leave after," Asmond said as he looked at Roxanne and the others.

"Seriously? Can we just take a random chest?" Glen asked as he sighed and rubbed his head.

"Stop whining, guys. We don't even know where the chests are. We need to find it first, and you need to understand that we aren't the only ones who are exhausted here. All the knights and Brynhilde's team are also feeling the same, but they didn't whine. Be considerate," Rufus said as he stared at them.

Enma looked at everyone, and then she sighed as she looked at her shield.