Chapter 337: Preparation.

"Ladies! It's dangerous out here, especially in the middle of the night like this. Are you ladies going something? We can accompany you to your destination," A man wearing a tank top asked.

"Sorry, we are not interested in a bunch of thugs like you. We are only interested in Aces," Agnez answered as she pushed away the man gently since he was too close and reeked of alcohol.

"Then it's your lucky day! Because we are all Aces, and we are silver ranks as well," The man answered.

Agnez glanced at Lillith who was standing next to her, and then looked over her right shoulder to look at Gladis and Nia.

"Is that so? Then which one of you is the strongest?" Agnez asked as she looked at the four men in front of her.

The men were showing off who was the strongest while Gladis used her [Discerning Eye] to look at their status screens. She then whispered to Agnez about the skills those men had.