Chapter 341: Grew stronger.

"How's your research, Nagy?" Jeanne asked as she walked into a room filled with plants and herbs. She was covered in sweat and out of breath.

"It goes beyond my expectations," Nagy answered as she wore a black mask to cover her mouth and nose. "You shouldn't come here exposed like that, Jeanne. This whole building is filled with poisonous plants that could kill you by making a contact with your skin," Nagy said as she looked at Jeanne only wearing a white t-shirt and shorts.

"If I die, I will tell Mykel and blame you for it," Jeanne answered jokingly, but Nagy took it seriously. "I'm just joking!" Jeanne said as she chuckled and looked at the bottles with different colors of liquid inside.

Nagy was busy cutting the plants carefully and then grinding them together. Jeanne looked around and stayed quiet because she didn't want to bother Nagy, but at the same time, she was curious about what Nagy had been doing.