Chapter 355: Fooled.

"You have failed me," Mara's voice echoed throughout the space. "You also broke the rules that you promised to keep," Mara continued and her voice was moving from left to right so quickly. "You already know what's going to happen, so you can say a few words before I erase your existence,"

Lucifer was on his knees with his wings folded and head down staring at the vast space. He seemed to be deep in thought and wasn't bothered by Mara's words.

"Do what you must, I have no reason to say anything to you," Lucifer said.

Mara hummed as she walked toward Lucifer with black clouds covering her whole body. She forced Lucifer to lift his head to look at her, and then she started to chuckle softly.

"Oh, Lucifer, how foolish can you be to fell for his words," Mara said as she walked past him. "Not only he betrayed you, but your own creations are also betraying you," Mara said and her voice sounded so far away.