Chapter 370: King of demons.

Everyone was gathered in the meeting room and sat on the giant square table. Jeanne, Lillith, Edith, Nagy, Brynhilde, Manna, Gunnar, Rozan, Sven, Vincze, Gerrard, Lexus, Nexus, and Euros were sitting on the left side of the table. Beldathiel, Glasya, Vixelleth, Zherlthsh, Nefarath, Sapphira, Nephilim, Deviatris, Frigna, Kiersha, Lilith, Agnez, and Luciel were sitting on the right side of the table.

Mykel was the one who brought all of them there, and the room was silent as the two sides of the table stared at each other. The longer they were there, the heavier the atmosphere and the heat raised as Jeanne and Luciel stared at each other.

"Why are we all gathered here again?" Rozan quietly asked Gunnar.

"Maybe the same as before, we just have to wait and see until the boss is back," Gunnar answered.

"Wait? They're going to kill us all if he's not back any time soon," Rozan looked at Jeanne and Luciel back and forth.

(An hour ago)