Chapter 412: The last step to prepare.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Rozan asked Lillith who was sitting across from him and busy eating her chocolate cake.

"I can't read their minds, and I think that's because of the invisible barrier they put around them," Lillith looked at Mykel and the gods on the other table far from them. "That barrier makes us unable to hear their conversations. What's that? Is that magic?" Lillith looked at Shelly.

"Yes, that's a simple wind magic that removed the air around them so sounds can't travel. I can easily break it, but I don't want to get myself in trouble," Shelly answered.

Everyone looked at Mykel and wondered what they were talking about because they all looked so serious. It looked familiar because they looked exactly like them when Mykel was talking. Nobody would ignore him, and their eyes were focused on his mouth.