Chapter 513: When a man cried.

[Congratulations on defeating Demon King Abaddon, the Abyss!]

[All the Constellations are overjoyed with your achievement and will grant you a single wish for every Awakener that participated in defeating Demon King Abaddon!]

[All the Constellations are looking at you with curiosity. They are waiting for the wish that you want as your reward!]

[You can ask for a skill that you want as long as the Constellations can grant it. The skill that you wished for is a [Benefactor Exclusive] skill]

"Is all none Deadly Sin holder Demon Kings weak?" Sven asked Aurea as he looked at the notification.

"That's not really the case here. It's just your skills are Demon King Abaddon's weaknesses. It's like trying to light a flame on water. You're too powerful for him to handle, and that's the case here," Aurea answered and looked at the blue portal.