Chapter 534: Our job here is done.

Asmond and the others looked at the notification of the clearance of the eightieth floor. They were trying so hard to catch up with Jeanne and her team, but it looked like the gap didn't even get closer, instead, it became further and further. He couldn't force everyone to keep up the pace, but it would be impossible to catch up with them since his goal was to join the fight.

"Asmond, why don't you guys go ahead of us? I can see in your expression that you guys are a bit annoyed that you have to stay here with us. We know that we are only slowing you guys down, so you can go. We are going to be fine here on our own," A man said to Asmond with a pitiful smile.

Asmond looked at him, and then at the people behind him as he thought about it. He then nodded with understanding since he believed all the floors had been cleared by Jeanne this time, unlike the previous one. Asmond and his friends left hurriedly after they said goodbye to them.