Chapter 547: He was the nicest man.

Asmond threw a punch at Mykel, but to his surprise, Mykel managed to dodge it before Asmond's fist reached his face. He wondered if Mykel's skills were disabled or not because of how calm he looked. He didn't have time to think about it and kept throwing punches and kicks at Mykel.

Although Mykel lost all his skills, he could see how Asmond made unnecessary moves before his attacks. He was a pro fighter in real life, and he could tell by the movements of his opponent's shoulders, hips, waist, knees, and feet. He could read Asmond like a book. He had to be extra focused because a single hit from Asmond would be enough to knock him out.

He didn't try to fight Asmond back because his attacks would be useless and he didn't want to waste his stamina for that. He wanted to survive as long as he could and he didn't want to give in so easily to give Asmond the satisfaction of beating him. He played a cat-and-mouse game where he avoided Asmond and let Asmond follow him aimlessly.