Chapter 558: Live to the fullest.

Mykel looked at the hundreds of live feeds of worlds that were struggling to fight demons. He watched as the demons were no longer the only enemy that mortals had to face. There were mortals that had decided to join hands with demons and worked together to invade those worlds that were trying to resist.

Rozan had become the God of Magic and had a total of two thousand followers. He oftentimes came down and showed off his power to the mortals as he ended the endless war with the demons. All of his followers had become Sages, the peak a mortal could become that powerful enough to defeat hundreds or even a thousand demons single-handedly.

Sven had become the God of Principality and had a total of a thousand followers. He had become known throughout the whole universe because he once showed himself and massacred half a million humans that had turned against Gods. His followers specialized in dealing with mortals that had gone astray and followed the demons.