A Premonition

As everyone was seated at the table, Feng Jia Li instructed the auntie to start serving the food. It was rare for her father-in-law to visit their residence. Therefore, Feng Jia Li prepared a few dishes that the older man liked to eat.

With her nephew and his pregnant wife's visit, naturally, there was a variety of food on the table.

Qi Zheng lowered his head as he ate his dinner. Seeing that his grandfather was around, he figured out that it was best for him to lay low and minimize his presence.

A breath of relief escaped him as dinner ended.

Qi Zheng planned to head upstairs and escape when he heard his grandfather call his name.

"Qi Zheng, come over." His grandfather, Qi Xi Feng waved his hand.

His body froze. Qi Zheng turned around slowly and faced her grandfather. Seeing the way his grandfather was staring at him made him straighten his back.

His grandfather was a soldier and would always emphasize on having good postures.

"Grandfather." Qi Zheng flashed a weak smile and swallowed. "Why did you call for me?"

"What's with that look on your face?" Qi Xi Feng gave his grandson a lookover and snorted in displease. "I'm already this old. It's not like I'm going to beat you up." He turned around and spoke, "Stay here. I have something to say to you."

Qi Zheng heaved helplessly. He turned to his father and saw that the old man was ignoring him. Just now, he had helped his father to escape from a game of chess but look at him now. He wasn't even willing to help his son!

At the side, his cousin, Qi Ming Wei was looking at him with a provocative look in his eyes. Meanwhile, Feng An Yu was staring at him in excitement. It was as if he was expecting some interesting scene to happen.

Looking at their face gave him the urge to beat them up. However, Qi Zheng knew his limit. He was someone who could not beat Qi Ming Wei.

"Come on. Sit down." Qi Xi Feng motioned at the sofa beside him.

Seeing that there was no one else to help him, Qi Zheng could only resign to his fate. He walked over to his grandfather's side and took his seat.

Then, he stood quietly and wait for his grandfather to speak.

"Your brother, Ming Wei is now married and will soon be a father," Qi Xi Feng spoke.

Qi Zheng glanced at this cousin and saw the smug look on his face.

From the way this conversation had started, Qi Zheng already knew the rest of his grandfather's speech.

"Qi Zheng, you are not getting that young either," Qi Xi Feng said. "Even Yu Han had two kids now. When are you planning to settle down and have a family of your own?"

Just as he had thought...

Recently, his grandfather seemed to like nagging him about marriage each time they saw each other.

"Grandfather, it's not that I'm not trying," Qi Zheng spoke. "But you know how it is. I have been in a few relationships and every one of them was not working for me."

Qi Xi Feng gave his grandson another look over. "Why isn't it working? Could it be that there is a problem with you?" His gaze subconsciously moved at the space between his grandson's crotch.

His breath was stuck in his throat. Qi Zheng stared at his grandfather in disbelief. His hands were blocking a certain part of his body from his grandfather's eyes.

Just what was this old man enunciating?

How could there be a problem with him?

He went on a check-up every year! He was very healthy, alright?

He was his grandfather's grandson! How can his grandfather say these things to him?

"Grandfather, you know my work as a doctor. Not many understood this profession," Qi Zheng said. "And I can't give the girl what she wanted."

In the past, he had met a few girls that he liked. However, after dating for a few months, they came to him and ask for a breakup. Each time, someone would tell him that they could not be with someone who could not prioritize their relationship.

They want time and attention. But these were not what he can give.

He was a surgeon and his working schedule was not like others. There were many times when he had to sleep at the hospital. There were times when he had to cancel a date because someone was dying.

"Grandfather, I planned to focus on my career," Qi Zheng continued. "As for my marriage... let's fate decide. Once I found someone suitable, I will get married."

Qi Xi Feng's expression turned uglier. "Nonsense! You're not even working hard to find a girl. How can you meet a good girl if you did not go out and meet someone?"

His hand tightened into a fist.

Qi Zheng did not know how else he should explain this matter.

Getting married was not that easy. He couldn't just grab any girl on the street and ask that person to marry him, right?

People would think that he's a nutcase!

Qi Zheng was glad that the people around him, Qi Ming Wei and Zhang Yu Han, had met their other half. He was happy for them.

But surely, marriage isn't just for everyone, right?

What was wrong with staying single?

There were a few of his friends who were still unmarried, right?

The most important thing was, that he was happy with his current life. He was doing something meaningful. He was saving a lot of life.

"I have already made my decision," Qi Xi Feng spoke again.

Qi Zheng had a premonition.

"A few days ago, my friend told me about this blind date event." Qi Xi Feng look at his grandson sharply. "Qi Zheng, you are going to attend this event."


Qi Xi Feng raised a hand, stopping his grandson from saying another word. "Qi Zheng, I already told you, you have to work for it. I don't care if you are going to meet a girl at this event or not. I just want you to attend this blind date event at the end of this month and meet new people. Just go to this event first. Then, you can let fate decide."