Face His Fate

Their gazes met and Qin Ji Ran continued to stare at Yun Shu for a few seconds longer. A while later, he seemed to have remembered the person in front of him. Qin Ji Ran pointed his finger at Yun Shu and smiled. "Yun Shu?"

Her eyes narrowed. If only she knew that the troublemaker is this scumbag, Yun Shu would never step forward to see him.

She should have let the security handle everything.

However, Yun Shu then recalled Qin Ji Ran's status. He was a rich second generation who often create trouble just because he think that his family had a lot of money.

His attitude was what made her decide to break up with him.

"Miss Yun," one of the security officers called. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

The guest in front of him was a VIP and he did not know what else he can do to stop this person from causing trouble. As a mere security officer, he did not want to offend anyone he should not offend and lost his job for it.

Yun Shu waved a hand, motioning that she will handle this matter.

"Yun Shu. Perfect. You are here." The smile on Qin Ji Ran's face widened. "I want to join in the blind date event as well. Help me to tell them who I am."

Taking a deep breath, Yun Shu then put on a professional smile on her face. "I'm sorry, but this is a private event. Without an invitation, I'm afraid that you can't go in."

Qin Ji Ran's expression changed instantly. He glanced at his friends before turning to Yun Shu again with an unhappy look in his eyes. He tried to tug away Yun Shu's wrist, but she managed to avoid him just in time.

"Look." Qin Ji Ran's voice sounded dangerous. "You work here, right? I'm sure that you can try to pull some strings and let me in."

Yun Shu gave him a lookover. She would never believe that someone like Qin Ji Ran would be interested in a blind date to settle down. For all she knew, this scumbag might want to get into this event so that he would be able to meet the ladies who were in a higher class than him.

"Without an invitation, you can't enter," Yun Shu repeated.

"I'm a VIP of this clubhouse."

The smile on her lips remained. "I still cannot let you enter."

No matter what, she will persist and stop this man from coming in. When Madam Gao comes over, she will help with the situation.

Qin Ji Ran gnashed his teeth as he stared at Yun Shu as if he was going to hit her.

The atmosphere around them turned heavy.

The security looked at them helplessly as they hoped that the VIP would not be causing more trouble and forced them to be physical.

"What is going on here?"

A deep voice reverberated and the stiff atmosphere broke just like that.

Yun Shu turned around and saw Shen Yan Mo return with Madam Gao and a few of her friends. Her eyes lit up when she realized that Madam Gao's husband came with her as well.

Her husband was one of the influential figures in Y City. Their family's reputation was higher than Qin Ji Ran's family.

Since Qin Ji Ran wanted to use his power to suppress those under him, Yun Shu could only find someone who was in a higher position than him.

Just as she had thought... Qin Ji Ran's expression turned pale when he saw Old Master Gao walking over. He shot Yun Shu a look before forcing a smile at the Old Master.

Qin Ji Ran was about to greet Old Master Gao when Yun Shu decided to explain the situation.

Old Master Gao's expression turned uglier when he heard what was going on.

His wife had explained that this blind date event was important for their grandson. Moreover, few of his friends had signed up their family members to join this event.

Old Master Gao knew how important this event was and he could not let someone try to ruin it. He gave Qin Ji Ran a look over before turning to the security. "Just throw this person away. If he continued to make trouble, you can just cancel his membership in this club."

Everyone turned to Old Master Gao in surprise. The security officers had a bright smile on their faces as they invited Qin Ji Ran out. This guest had tried to put them in a difficult situation and they were glad to drive away these troublemakers now that they have their backers.

Yun Shu finally let out a breath of relief when she could no longer see that scumbag. When she looked up again, Madam Gao walked over to her side with an amiable smile on her face.

"Miss Yun, how is the preparation?" Madam Gao asked. "Is everything going well?"


Qi Zheng suppressed his annoyance as he glanced at Feng An Yu, who was currently behind the wheel. "An Yu, just tell me the truth. You only come with me to mock me, right?"

"Of course, not." Feng An Yu chuckled. "I'm only helping Grandpa Qi to ensure that you would not escape this blind date event."

That was even worst.

The corner of Qi Zheng's lips twitched.

"Don't be like this." Feng An Yu smiled. "I can help you escape if the situation was not favorable to you. Don't you think this is great?"

Qi Zheng looked away. He didn't want to bother with this cousin anymore.

"If you want to blame someone, you have to blame Wei Jun Hao," Feng An Yu said. "Ever since he had triplets, your grandfather became anxious. Grandpa Zhang often showed off to him his great-grandchildren. How can your grandfather not get jealous?"

Qi Zheng heaved a sigh.

His friends were married and became a father. What does that get to do with him?

Feng An Yu smiled when he saw the look on Qi Zheng's face. He chose to keep quiet until they both reached the club.

Qi Zheng heaved a sigh, knowing that it was time for him to face this thing. He turned to his cousin again and asked, "Why don't you come to this blind date with me?"

"No way." Feng An Yu laughed. "Just go in. It couldn't be that bad, right? Your grandfather only wanted you to meet some new people."

Qi Zheng sighed again.

He did not think that it was that simple.

If he didn't meet anyone here, his grandfather would surely arrange for him to go on another date. Just the thought would give him a headache.

Qi Zheng pushed the door and finally came out to face his fate.