Have We Met Before?

Yun Shu stared at everything around her with a dazed look on her face.

She knew that Qi Zheng was a doctor. However, can a doctor's salary afford to pay for a meal at an expensive restaurant such as this?

Yun Shu took out her phone and began to check her bank account.

It seemed that she will have to use her savings to pay for their dinner tonight. She made a hasty decision by getting a marriage certificate with Qi Zheng without discussing it with her elders. Eating at a restaurant like this should be able to pacify them, right?

Anyway, she could always ask Zheng Lan to assign her more work.

With the commissions from the wedding planning, it should be enough to make up all the money she might lose from today's meal.

Her face turned calm again once she had thought things through.

Yun Shu looked up again and saw that her mother was accompanying her grandmother to look around the place.

The expression on their face was enough to tell her what would happen when she announced that shocking news later.

Will her mother kill her then?

Her body started to shiver.

Yun Shu walked over and spoke, "Mom, you and grandma should stay here. I'll go downstairs and wait for him."

Yao Ying smiled as she waved her hand. The thought that her granddaughter was going to introduce them to a guy made her feel happier. "Go. Go. Your mother and I will wait here."

She gave them one last look before turning around to leave the room.

Now that she was going to introduce Qi Zheng to her elders, Yun Shu thought that there were a few things that she should discuss with Qi Zheng.

She was not a good liar in front of her mother and grandmother. It would be best if they get their story straight.

Yun Shu stood at the entrance as she craned her neck to look around.

A few minutes later, a vehicle pulled over in front of the restaurant. A pair of long legs stepped out and Qi Zheng's face came into her view.

Yun Shu heaved a breath of relief upon seeing him appear.

She did not know him that well and was a little worried that she might be tricked when he told her to wait for him at this restaurant.

Qi Zheng walked over to her side and asked, "Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to wait inside?"

"My mom and grandma are already waiting in the private room," Yun Shu said. "I just thought that there are a few things that we need to discuss before I introduced you to them."

Qi Zheng thought that her words made sense and agreed. He should learn a bit about Yun Shu's elders.

"My grandma might not make it difficult for us, but my mother might have a lot of questions," Yun Shu said. "She would definitely ask where we met. Let's just say we met at the hospital where you worked."

Anyway, this could not be considered a lie. The first time they met, it was at the hospital.

"Didn't we meet at the market where your grandmother tried to introduce you to me?"

"My mother isn't going to believe that," Yun Shu said.

How many times had her grandmother tried to set her up with another man? Her mother would know that she would resist her grandmother's plan.

"It's safer to say that the first time we met was at the hospital," she continued. "Previously, I injured my legs and you were the attending doctor. Later, we hit it off and decided to get a certificate."

Qi Zheng pondered over her words and nodded.

"I know. Don't worry. I know what to say to them," Qi Zheng said. "You should let me do the talking. I will do my best to convince them. If they wanted to blame someone, let them blame me. After all, this is all my idea."

Yun Shu hesitated. She was still worried. But seeing the composed look on Qi Zheng's face made her feel more at ease.

"We should go now," Qi Zheng said. "This is my first time meeting them. We should not let them wait for us."

"Alright." Yun Shu nodded.

The two of them walked together to the private room that Qi Zheng had booked.

Her heartbeat accelerated as they approached the room closer. Yun Shu could only clench her hand tightly as she tried to convince herself that everything will be alright.

Before Yun Shu could push the door open, she noticed Qi Zheng stretching his hand at her. She stared at his palm and blinked.

"If we're going to make this believable, we should at least hold hands," Qi Zheng said. He pursed his lips as he thought of something. Then, he retracted his hand and offered his arm instead. "If that makes you uncomfortable, you can just hold my arms."

Yun Shu hesitated for a brief second before she held his arms. Then, her body stiffened as their bodies get closer.

She took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

Instantly, both her mother and grandmother turned their head to look at them.

Yun Shu could see her mother's scrutinizing gaze and her grandmother's wide smile.

They stopped as they reached in front of the table. However, before Yun Shu could introduce Qi Zheng, her grandmother had spoken first.

"Young man, you seemed quite familiar," Yao Ying said. "Have we met before?" Her eyes narrowed as she gave him a look over. Then, she turned to her granddaughter with an approval look.

"Mom..." Xu Yuan tugged at her mother-in-law's arms. "What are you saying? Isn't this the first time that you meet him?"

Xu Yuan knew that her mother-in-law had been dating a few guys after her husband passed away. In the past, which pickup lines haven't she heard coming from her mother-in-law?

Sometimes, the pickup lines were too embarrassing that it made her want to pretend that they were not related.

Qi Zheng smiled. "Grandma, you are right. We have met before. Last time, you were with Yun Shu when I asked you to help me choose vegetables."

Yao Ying walked closer to examine the person. Then, her eyes widened in surprise when she finally remembered this man.

She hasn't seen a lot of good-looking men at the market nearby their house. Therefore, Yao Ying had a good memory of Qi Zheng. She liked how he looked and thought that this person would be great for her granddaughter.

Yao Ying came to realize something. The light in her eyes flickered when she saw Qi Zheng and her granddaughter standing side by side.