Are You Ready?

Qi Zheng heaved a sigh once he entered his room.

It was such a tiring day for him. In the morning, he has to attend a blind date. Later, he went to get a marriage certificate and had to convince the elders on both sides regarding their decision.

Qi Zheng had thought that it would take a while to convince the elders to accept the news. Fortunately, they gave in easily.

In fact, convincing Yun Shu's elders were much more difficult. As for his grandfather... He might be angry at the beginning, but Qii Zheng knew that he was looking forward to seeing him settle down.

Once his grandfather heard that he was bringing home his granddaughter-in-law, his anger would not stay for too long.

His phone ringtone snapped him out of his thought.

Qi Zheng checked his phone and saw that his group of friends was active again. They figured that by now, his grandfather should have found out about his marriage and wanted to know how her grandfather had reacted.

"It went alright," Qi Zheng replied. "Tomorrow, I'm going to bring Yun Shu to meet my grandfather."

"You managed to convince your grandfather?" Feng An Yu could not hide his surprise. He knew Qi Zheng's grandfather well and thought that there was no way that the old man was going to give in easily.

"Qi Zheng is a smooth talker, " Su Ming Yuan typed. "It shouldn't be hard for him to convince everyone. Look. He managed to trick that woman to marry him, right?"

"Now that I think of it, Miss Yun is quite pitiful as well," Wei Jun Hao spoke. "I wonder how would she react once she found out that she was tricked into marrying you."

Qi Zheng thought of the woman he had married earlier that day. "She doesn't look stupid. I'm sure that she had a reason to get a marriage certificate as well."

As for what was the reason, other than her grandmother pressing her to get married, Qi Zheng could not guess the other reason.

Whatever reason it was, he decided not to care about it. After all, once the one-year period ended, the two of them would part and pretend that they were both strangers.

Qi Zheng chatted with his friends for a while. After promising them that he will introduce his wife to them in a few days, Qi Zheng put his phone back on the side.

He could not help but wonder just how will Yun Shu act in front of his parents.


Yun Shu woke up in the morning and stared at the ceiling for a long time.

She started to recall the event that had transpired yesterday and wondered if everything was only a dream.

However, a text message from Qi Zheng, reminding her about their lunch plan confirmed that everything was real.

Yesterday, she really got a marriage certificate with a man that she had only met a few times.

Yun Shu could not decide whether she was regretting everything at this moment. But when she thought of her decision yesterday, she had to agree that she was being too impulsive.

Yun Shu curled her body into a fetal position and groaned.

Since she had dared to make such an impulse decision yesterday, then, she will have to face everything courageously.

Anyway, this arrangement will eventually come to an end after that one-year period.

The loud knock on her door startled her.

"Yun Shu! Are you still asleep?"

It was her grandmother.

"Come out and look at the thing that your mother and I had bought earlier," her grandmother continued. "Why are you still sleeping? Aren't you going to meet with Ah Zheng's parents today?"

Yun Shu almost shed a tear at her grandmother's reminder.

But, wait. When did her grandmother start to call him Ah Zheng?

"Un. I'm up. I'll come out in a while." With a long sigh, Yun Shu slipped out of her bed and went into the bathroom. After washing her face, she came out only to see that there were a lot of gifts on the table. Her mother and grandmother both were busy assorting them.

Yao Ying saw her granddaughter and waved her hand. "Yun Shu, come over. Look at the gift we get for your in-laws."

"Grandmother, isn't this too much?"

Yao Ying clicked her tongue. "How is this too much? This will be your first meeting with Ah Zheng's parents. Of course, we have to go all out. Now that you have gotten married, we can't let his family look down on you. That's right. What did his family do?"

Yun Shu put down the health supplement that she had picked up earlier. Her expression froze. "This... I'm not very sure."

"You're not sure? How are you not sure?" Her mother asked. There was a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

"Qi Zheng has mentioned it to me before," Yun Shu lied. "But, I'm a little confused with what they do and had forgotten about it."

"You're meeting his parents and you don't know anything about them?" Xu Yuan began to worry about her daughter. "Yun Shu, you're too careless!"

Yun Shu realized that she know nothing about Qi Zheng's family. Seeing that he had become a doctor, could it be that his family members were also doctors?

"Mom, I'll ask him again before meeting his parents." Yun Shu made a note to herself to ask Qi Zheng about his family member before their meeting. Anyway, her mission today was to win Qi Zheng's family's approval. This was what they have in agreement.

Her mother and grandmother both continued to nag her about what she should do and should not do during her first meeting with Qi Zheng's family. Yun Shu had to listen to them for almost an hour before she was finally let off. Then, Yun Shu rushed back to her room to get ready.

She followed her mother's advice and chose to wear a simple and pastel-colored dress.

Just as she was putting on her last touch, Qi Zheng texted her that he would be arriving at her place in five minutes.

Seeing his text, Yun Shu quickly checked on her image for one last time before she head out.

Five minutes later, Qi Zheng appeared at her door in his suit and tie. He greeted her grandmother and mother politely before turning to Yun Shu.

Qi Zheng gave him a lookover and thought that his elders would be satisfied with someone who looked obedient and well-behaved like her. "Are you ready?"

Yun Shu took a deep breath and finally nodded. "Let's go."