Moving In

The next day, Yun Shu carried her belongings into her vehicle.

As she was not looking forward to this move, Yun Shu had only packed a few essentials and clothing. Anyway, her mother's house was not that far away and she could always return to pick up what she might need later.

Both Yao Ying and Xu Yuan were not very eager to see Yun Shu moving out as well. However, they both tried to put up a smile on their faces.

Fortunately, Qi Zheng had already brought her to his apartment before. It did not take a long time to arrive at the place.

Yao Ying and Xu Yuan helped Yun Shu to carry a few stuff. Then, the three of them headed upstairs to Qi Zheng's apartment.

Yun Shu placed her belongings on the floor and looked up.

Her grandmother and mother were both taking a tour around the house. Looking at their expression, Yun Shu could tell that they were not very happy with what they are seeing.

Qi Zheng's apartment was too cold. One look at it, they could already tell that Qi Zheng was someone who did not stay home a lot.

Even his kitchen was sparkly clean.

Both Yao Ying and Xu Yuan were worried about whether Yun Shu could stay together with someone like Qi Zheng.

Yun Shu was the only descendant of the Yun family. Naturally, they both hoped that Yun Shu would be with someone who would always accompany her.

But if Qi Zheng was someone who did not often come home, then, what will happen to their Yun Shu?

"Mom, Grandma, what are you looking at?" Yun Shu walked over and saw that they both were looking out the windows.

Xu Yuan forced a smile. "It's nothing. Your grandma and I just thought that this apartment's view is quite nice."

Yun Shu followed their line of gaze and saw the small park beside the apartment. "You are right. It is quite pretty."

"Alright. Let's start to unpack your stuff," Yao Ying spoke. "Later, we can check if there is anything missing. Then, we can go shopping and buy a few things."

"Grandma, I already bought everything I need here. Why do we need to go shopping?"

Yao Ying heaved a sigh. "You never know what you might need later."

"Your grandma is right," Xu Yuan spoke. "The kitchen is quite empty. Yun Shu, you liked having late-night snacks. Why don't we shop for some snacks? Besides, we can also have our lunch somewhere nearby."

Yun Shu did not have any other rejection.

After moving, she might be too tired to cook anything. It would be better to have their meal outside.

The three women worked together to help Yun Shu arrange her stuff.

Yun Shu entered Qi Zheng's room and noticed that the man had already emptied some space for her. The two of them were pretending to be a couple, but Qi Zheng seemed very serious in his acting.

Xu Yuan understood her daughter's preferences the most and quickly arranged everything according to them.

With the three of them working together, their job was finished within a few hours.

When they finished, it was almost lunch hour.

Xu Yuan recalled that there was a shopping area nearby. They ate their lunch together before heading to the mall together to buy a few things.

Yun Shu could not help but sigh as she looked at the items in the trolley.

She had thought that they only needed to buy a few necessities. But with her mother and grandmother working together, the trolley was almost brimming with stuff that she did not know she might need.

Yun Shu picked up the spatula in the trolley that her mother had placed a few seconds ago and spoke, "Mom, what do I need this spatula for?"

"I already looked at the kitchen. There is not enough stuff in there for you to use." Xu Yuan grabbed the spatula from her daughter and tossed it back into the trolley. "Yun Shu, you only get together with Qi Zheng after knowing him for a short time. Your grandma and I think that you have to work hard to win Qi Zheng's heart. Your cooking is not that bad. Maybe you could practice more for your husband, eh?"

The corner of her lips began to twitch.

Why couldn't she understand what her mother was talking about?

Why would she want to work hard to win Qi Zheng's heart? They were only pretending. After a year, they will both part ways.

However, those were not the words that she could say out loud.

From the corner of her eyes, Yun Shu saw her grandmother carrying a pot of peace lilies in one hand, and a bouquet of carnations in the other.

A helpless look appeared on her face. "Grandma, what are those things for?"

"Let's just put these in the living room. The house is too empty. You need them to make the place look more alive." Yao Ying said glanced at the carnations in her hand and spoke, "That's right. We also need a new vase for the flower."

Her grandmother had already put everything into the trolley. Yun Shu had no way to stop this pair to stop putting things into the trolley.

The three of them left the shopping area several hours later.

Her mother and grandmother helped to carry some stuff into the apartment before they took a cab to head back home.

Yun Shu watched as the car drove away with a heavy feeling.

Now, she was left alone in this strange place.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Shu headed back into the apartment to remove her stuff from Qi Zheng's room. Yun Shu planned to remove everything before Qi Zheng would return home.

Just as she had finished taking out everything from Qi Zheng's room, Yun Shu could hear someone at the front door. She headed out and saw that her mother-in-law stood at the door with a smile on her face.

For a while, Yun Shu did not know just how she should react. She was not prepared to meet her mother-in-law at this time.