Qi Zheng was Wrong

Yun Shu wanted to tell Qi Zheng that he did not need to go with her to the market. However, with her grandmother looking at them with her eyes full of anticipation, Yun Shu found that she could not come up with a reason to reject Qi Zheng's offer.

With Yun Shu's instruction, Qi Zheng drove to the nearest market.

When they arrived, Qi Zheng realized that the market in front of him seemed a little familiar. It was only when he parked his vehicle that he recalled that this was the place he met Yun Shu and her grandmother for the first time.

He recalled that he was on his way from the hospital when his mother called and asked him to find an ingredient. There were two different types of parsley in front of him and he could not differentiate them well.

Fortunately, he stumbled into Grandma and the elder lady kindly showed him the one that his mother asked him to buy.