Shopping for Groceries

Qi Zheng continued to watch Yun Shu as she pushed the cart around the market.

The words she said to him earlier played in his mind. However, no matter how long he tried to recall that incident, nothing seemed to come to his mind.

Qi Zheng shook his head as he reminded himself to ask one of his colleagues if they would remember such a case.

When he looked up again, Yun Shu already turned into another aisle. He quickly followed her. However, his steps halted again when he saw her looking at the bottles on the rack.

He seemed to realize that whenever Yun Shu was around, his gaze would involuntarily follow her.

His brow furrowed as the thought came to realize this. Qi Zheng pursed his lips as he seemed to be in deep thought. After a while, he decided that perhaps, he was only interested in knowing the person he had chosen to cooperate with him in this contractual marriage.

It was only then that Qi Zheng felt a bit at ease.