Happy Anniversary

It has been a long day for Qi Zheng at the hospital.

Last night, he received a call from the emergency department, asking him to go in for an important surgery. There was an accident in the middle of the night and the paramedic brought a boy in with a long metal stuck on his calf.

Just as he thought that he might have time to rest for a bit, another doctor come and asked if he could give him a hand in the emergency department.

It seemed that a group of construction workers had a stomach ache and it was suspected that they all had food poisoning.

Somehow, there were too many people around and too many patients that night. When Qi Zheng finally had time to rest, it was already in the morning.

After speaking to the nurse on duty, Qi Zheng was finally able to leave the hospital. He glanced at the time and noted that he has been staying at the hospital for twenty-eight hours.