Like Splashing Cold Water on Her

Initially, Yun Shu did not want to accept the dress from Qi Zheng. She was still troubled after her mother-in-law had gifted her that jewelry set and now, Qi Zheng was buying her an expensive dress with matching shoes and a purse.

The moment she held the dress and looked at the label, Yun Shu had this feeling as if she wanted to throw it back to Qi Zheng again. However, as she thought of the brand and its price, Yun Shu could only be careful as she held the dress in her hand. It would be expensive if she accidentally dirtied the dress.

Yun Shu did not know much about the Su family. However, from Qi Zheng and her mother-in-law's attitude towards this birthday banquet, Yun Shu could tell that it should be an important event where there would be a lot of big figures would be coming over as well.

Because of this, Yun Shu reluctantly agreed to wear the dress that Qi Zheng had purchased for her. Fortunately, the dress looked quite good on her.