The Last to Settle Down

Qi Zheng heaved a breath of relief as he watched Yun Shu walk over to the side to join Li Qin Yao and Zhang Yu Ying.

When they arrived at the house, Qi Zheng had already noticed that his wife was a little tense as this was the first time she had attended an event such as this with him.

Seeing that Yun Shu was chatting happily with the girls made him feel more at ease.

He retracted his gaze and saw that the others were looking at him.

It was not hard for him to guess that the boys were curious about his marriage with Yun Shu.

Qi Zheng rubbed the space between his brow and sighed. "Just what is it that you guys wanted to say to me?"

The boys exchanged a look, not wanting to be the first to speak.

"I heard that it was your wedding anniversary a few days ago," Zhang Yu Han spoke. "Qi Zheng, congratulations. I hope everything is going well between you two?"