Sleeping Spot

Qi Zheng rubbed the space between his brow as he tried to recall what had happened and how did he got into bed when he was supposed to be sleeping on the floor.

Suddenly, Qi Zheng recalled waking up in the middle of the night and heading to the bathroom.

It seemed that rather than returning to his sleeping place, he had subconsciously moved to the bed instead.

He looked at Yun Shu and was grateful that she only pushed him aside instead of shouting and gaining his grandfather's attention.

"I'm sorry," Qi Zheng spoke. "This... It wasn't intentional. I woke up in the middle of sleep for a quick toilet break. I must have walked over here after going to the bathroom earlier."

Yun Shu observed his expression, wondering if the man was telling her the truth.

It was dark and she could not see his face well, but Yun Shu thought that his tone of voice did not seem as if he was telling her a lie.