Wedding Preparation

Qi Zheng and Yun Shu both left in their vehicle respectively.

As she was driving back to their apartment, Yun Shu could not help but notice that Qi Zheng has been following her car at a certain distance.

The road was empty at this time, but the man continued to drive slowly. It felt as if he was doing him to escort her safely home. Like her little bodyguard.

This thought made her heart bloom.

It was only after she had entered her bedroom that Yun Shu was able to calm down. She leaned on the door and put her hand on her chest. Her heart was still beating fast, but fortunately, it was not as loud as it was when she could see Qi Zheng near her.

Yun Shu thought that it was very hard not to like Qi Zheng. But now that she began to realize her feelings toward him, Yun Shu began to worry again.