We Broke Up

Yun Shu helped Wen Ru Qing to place her luggage in her cargo space. Then, she walked around the car and slid into the driver's seat.

Just as she was about to drive away, Yun Shu realized that she had forgotten to ask an important question. She looked at her friend again and asked, "Qing Qing, where are you going? Should I drive you back to your family's house?"

Wen Ru Qing's expression quickly changed. "No. Don't send me back to my house."

Yun Shu was quick to notice that there was something wrong with Wen Ru Qing's action. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and frowned. "Why not?"

"This..." Wen Ru Qing looked away and coughed. "I haven't told my family that I'm coming back. Yun Shu, only you know that I'm here in Y City."

"Qing Qing, what's going on?"

"Let's talk about this later. It's a long story. First, we have to find a place for me to stay," Wen Ru Qing spoke.

"Alright. But, where are you planning to stay?"