It Hurts

Once her work ended, Yun Shu drove over to The Orchid Hotel to pick up her friend. Wen Ru Qing was missing the taste of local food.

After talking about it for a while, they both decided to walk around the night market. Street food in this country was among the best and Wen Ru Qing would enjoy eating them once in a while.

As they arrived, Wen Ru Qing realized that there was a lot of food that she wanted to try.

The two of them would stop by a few stalls to buy some food.

In the end, they both ate too much and left the night market with some takeaway food.

Wen Ru Qing heaved in content. Seeing that it was almost time for her appointment, the two friends decided to walk to the apartment area. They wanted to take this opportunity to digest the food they ate.

Fortunately, the first apartment was nearby. After five minutes of walking, the two finally arrived and saw that the agent was already waiting for them.