Family Member

Yun Shu thought that Qi Zheng was going to leave after he had helped her find out about her friend's condition. To her surprise, the man sat with her for a long time.

The two of them sat side by side without saying a word.

But Yun Shu thought that having Qi Zheng by her side was helping her to calm down.

After waiting for a while, a nurse walked out and headed to Qi Zheng. The two of them spoke a few words. Meanwhile, Yun Shu stood at the side while waiting for them to finish their conversation.

Seeing that the nurse had turned around and left made her anxious again.

Subconsciously, Yun Shu held Qi Zheng's arms and asked, "What did the nurse say? What happens to Qing Qing?"

Qi Zheng lowered his gaze and stared at the hand gripping his arms. He seemed to recall that this was the second time that Yun Shu had held his arms like this.