A Little Push

After her meeting with Madam Gao, Yun Shu headed back to the office to look at some paperwork. Seeing that it was almost time to clock out, Yun Shu started to tidy up her belongings.

Before she headed to the hospital, Yun Shu did not forget to stop by the mall to buy some clothes for her friend. Fortunately, Wen Ru Qing had texted her size earlier. Therefore, it was not hard for Yun Shu to help her shop.

Now that Wen Ru Qing was pregnant, Yun Shu did not forget to buy flats for her friend. Yun Shu was worried that her friend would fall and hurt herself.

Then, she stopped by the restaurant nearby the hospital to buy some dinner for her friend.

As she was queuing up to place her order, Yun Shu suddenly thought of a certain someone who would still be working the night shift.

She wondered if she should buy him some takeaway as well.

Or would he eat at the hospital's cafeteria?