Have You Met My Xu Yuan?

Xu Yuan watched as her mother-in-law started to chat with the group of men. She did not know what her mother-in-law was saying to those men, but it seemed that the group did not mind Yao Ying's presence and continued to chat with her.

Seeing this made her hesitate. Xu Yuan was unsure whether she wanted to go over to her mother-in-law or continue to pretend as if she did not know the woman.

As she was still making her decision, her mother-in-law turned around suddenly to look at her.

Xu Yuan sat up straight. Seeing that her mother-in-law was silently urging her to go over made her feel that she should sit still and pretend as if she did not see anything.

But in the end, Xu Yuan walked over to her mother-in-law, wanting to pull her away.