Her Interest Faded Away

Xu Yuan and Yao Ying were in the middle of reminiscing about life when Yun Ze was still alive. Hearing the familiar voice, they both looked up and saw that Yun Shu and Qi Zheng were walking over.

It was then that they both remembered that they both had stayed away from the hall for a long time.

Yun Shu gave her mother a lookover. Seeing that they both seemed to be in a good mood, Yun Shu guessed that whatever she and her mother were afraid of did not happen.

"Mom, Grandma, why are you here?" Yun Shu asked as she reached their side.

Xu Yuan was about to answer when she saw that Qi Zheng was present as well. She flashed him a smile and spoke, "Nothing, we saw that there were not many people here and decided to stay here for a while."

"I was worried when I did not see you both around," Yun Shu said. She glanced at her grandmother and spoke, "I thought that you both might get lost somewhere."

Yao Ying frowned. "How old am I? Why would I get lost?"