I Like You

When Qi Zheng said that he had something to ask, Yun Shu thought that their nature of conversation would be around their family.

Facing this question from him made her grow dumbfounded. She thought that her ears were playing tricks on her. Or perhaps, she liked him too much that she was imagining things.

As the thought came to her mind, Yun Shu gave her thigh a pinch. The pain let her know that what happened at this moment was real.

Qi Zheng was indeed standing in front of her, asking her if she liked him...

Then, heat crept to her face as soon as she realized what happened. Blood rushed to her head all at once making her feel a little dizzy.

It felt as if she was going to pass out soon.

Yun Shu wondered just how Qi Zheng knew about her little secret. If he had noticed her feelings, when did he start to notice them?