Happy Birthday

As Qi Zheng's birthday came, Yun Shu was still undecided about what she was going to get him for his birthday. She wanted to prepare a perfect gift for Qi Zheng, but in the end, she realized that a perfect gift was very hard to find.

After considering this matter for a long, Yun Shu decided to do something for Qi Zheng.

That Saturday morning, Yun Shu woke up early in the morning to prepare longevity noodles. She had given this matter a thought for a long time and figured that this was good enough.

This would be the first time that she had prepared longevity noodles for her boyfriend. Therefore, Qi Zheng's birthday gift should be quite special.

Yun Shu knew the time that Qi Zheng would return home when he was on his night shift. She planned to prepare everything just in time before Qi Zheng arrived home. Then perhaps, he could eat a little bit before he goes to catch up on his sleep.