
Their way back to the apartment was silent. But this time, it was for a different reason. The air around them was colder.

Yun Shu sat in the passenger's seat while glancing at Qi Zheng once every few minutes. Seeing the look on his face told her that he had a lot on his mind.

In the beginning, she planned to ask Qi Zheng about that female doctor. But seeing that his mind was preoccupied, Yun Shu decided not to bother him.

However, her heart was feeling uncomfortable. She was feeling sour.

Yun Shu could tell that Qi Zheng was thinking about that female doctor.

It was not too long ago since they both agreed to give their relationship a chance. But if someone from his past could make him change his mind... If that person was able to make him remember their happy time together and able to convince him to return to her, then, what was she supposed to do?

She liked Qi Zheng a lot.