Pick Your Wife Over Your Brother!

Su Ming Yuan stared at his grandfather for a few seconds, to ensure that his eyes were not playing tricks on him. After a while, he walked over to his grandfather and spoke, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

"Old Gao asked me to come over to look at the process. Of course, I have to come. Besides," Grandpa Su glanced at his friends before speaking, "I heard that a few of my friends were going to be here as well."

The corner of Su Ming Yuan's lips began to twitch. He wondered just when his grandfather had this much time to spend time at this sort of event.

Usually, this old man would be too lazy to leave his house. He would rather spend his time with his cats other than meeting another person.

However, now that his grandpa was at the venue to keep an eye on him, of course, Su Ming Yuan was not going to be able to run away.

At the front of the hall, an emcee was seen asking the participant to gather around so that the event would start sooner.