Good News

On their way out of the hospital building, Qi Zheng suddenly made a stop before turning into a corner. Yun Shu stared at him in puzzlement before realizing that Qi Zheng was stopping by a florist.

When they arrived, the staff was busy tidying up the shop. The visiting hour ended a while ago and a few shops around the hospital building would be closed for the day.

Hearing the sound of footsteps made her look up. Then, a polite smile appeared on her face when the staff saw a familiar face in front of her.

"Hello, Doctor Qi," the staff greeted him cheerily. "Are you here to buy flowers for your wife again?"

Once every few weeks, Qi Zheng would make a stop at the shop to buy flowers from them. Therefore, the florist recognized him.

"Mmm..." Qi Zheng nodded. He glanced at Yun Shu before turning to the staff again. "This is my wife, Yun Shu."

The staff finally shifted her gaze to Yun Shu. "So, this is Mrs. Qi. Hello."