Vacation Approved

Zheng Lan looked at the leave application form in her hand for a brief second. After ensuring that all details were completed, she picked up her pen and put down her sign at the bottom.

Seeing this made Yun Shu breathe in relief. She was still a little worried that Zheng Lan might reject her leave application.

"It is rare for you to take a long leave," Zheng Lan spoke as she put the form into her tray. Then, she leaned over her desk and looked at Yun Shu. "Everything is alright?"

Yun Shu nodded. "Mmm... I was just thinking of taking a few days off for a vacation, that's all."

"Hey, that's not too bad," Zheng Lan spoke. "You have been working too hard recently. You should go and take a break."