Happy For You

There was a brief silence in the room.

Then, the person who broke the silence was Yao Ying. The elder woman looked at her daughter-in-law with a bright smile on her face. Yao Ying stood up from her seat and walked over to the couple.

"Xu Yuan, you are really getting married?" Yao Ying asked.

Xu Yuan looked at her mother-in-law with a guilty conscience. Although Yao Ying often encouraged her to meet someone new and date after Yun Shu's father passed away, Xu Yuan had always felt guilty whenever she think about finding someone new.

In her life, Xu Yuan had only loved two men.

Zhou Jian Chen was her first love and the two of them have been together since they were younger. Unfortunately, fate did not let them be together.

Later, she met Yun Ze.

Xu Yuan loved Yun Ze very much and had always been grateful to the Yun family who helped and loved her when she did not have anyone else around her.